About Keyanna

Keyanna Jones is a Political and Social Justice Activist, striving to effect positive change, that will uplift the minority community.
An active member of the Roselle, New Jersey community, for more than 15 years, she made a name for herself as a political consultant and fierce advocate for quality education. As a formidable and outspoken community activist, Keyanna was elected to the Roselle Board of Education, where she stood for truth, equity and restorative justice.
She is an Ordained Minister and the Founder and Executive Director of E=MC2, a 501-c3 Nonprofit Organization, aimed at creating cultural awareness and opportunity through education. She believes in the effective use of medical cannabis and is a proponent of the decriminalization of marijuana in the United States.
To that end, she has worked with trainers from the Office of National Drug Control Policy (ONDCP) and the Substance Abuse and Mental Health Services Administration (SAMHSA), to further her knowledge and educate others about the origin of current U.S. drug policies and their adverse affect on the minority community.